Pace traffic study options in review

Overview of seven intersections identified as problem areas around Spencer Field. Solutions range from traffic lights, to speed bumps, traffic circles (roundabouts), chicanes, additional lanes and speed humps. [CONTRIBUTED PHOTO]

MILTON — Mark Llewellyn, Jr., P.E., of Genesis Engineering presented the results of a year-long study of Spencer Field Traffic to the board of commissioners Monday morning. Genesis identified seven intersections around the outlying helicopter field as problem areas.

Llewellyn's presentation focused on the intersections and the possible solutions to fix the problems. The Genesis study included traffic counts of current traffic flow along with anticipated increases as the Pace area continues its growth especially in the development of subdivisions said Llewellyn.

The presentation offered several options to each problem intersection. These include new traffic lights; addition of turn and traffic lanes; speed bumps and humps; traffic-slowing curves in roads called chicanes; roundabouts or traffic circles and in some cases a combination of options.

"I think they are on the right path," said Jeff Marker a local realtor that has lived and worked in the Pace area for the last 25 years. However, Marker has concerns about the study and how Genesis came up with their data.

"The study is concerned about what is going on now," Marker said. "We are not concentrating on the future. We need long-term solutions not band-aid fixes."

Marker said the commissioners should start thinking long term and spend the money now to get it right or the county will be back to this point again in a few years.

"I like the idea of using traffic circles," said Paul Wadkowski, a senior loan officer at Navy Federal Credit Union. "At least it would keep the traffic flow moving, something that does not happen now."

Commissioner Cole said it would take a change in mindset for the traffic circles to work in Santa Rosa County, but thinks it would be a good option.

The discussion brought up a misconception that many residents have about master plans according to Cole. Many residents think that county commissioners can restrict developers from buying and building subdivisions, he said, if there is a master plan in place.

"A master plan does not mean that we can tell a developer 'no,'" Cole said. "If a developer wants to build, they can build. We can't tell them 'no.' It's their right to build."

The commissioners thanked Genesis for the presentation and will now take the information provided and review it with staff to see what steps should be taken next.

The complete presentation and discussion is available online at

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Pace traffic study options in review