Some common ground


Dear editor, 

Hey, Jim Moore, I believe we have found some common ground regarding a person's need for inner faith with God.

Now for the crossover into the realm of reality of which we both travel where we conflict with our own thoughts.

For me, I am right there with you until talking about the terminally ill with the pain and suffering endured to reach our final stage in life which is ultimately our passing into the next life. My own mother only days before on her own death bed said, "I am not scared I am going on a journey," which was our last real conversation illustrating her own faith in God, morality, religion and life.

Maybe this suffering being what Jesus endured for us is what we may need to endure for Him in passing.

But I now travel to the liberal side siding with the right to our own end of life decisions. Your letter illustrates your faith but your travel through life that denies this same knowledge of faith in God, and morality to the ones that need it most being the children is denied with every Democrat political vote which has removed every one of these elements from our children's schools during their most informative years for learning.

I know I have my doubts regarding my own thoughts on this matter of death, but are there any doubts regarding the Democrat political vote that goes against, as you mentioned, these aspects of life being taught?

Hollywood is probably the most atheist sect of our society, and with all they have, true happiness seems to be the one thing they don't own, and misery seems to prefer company! 



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Some common ground