Evil is at the root of suicide


Dear editor, 

The AP, USA Today, Huffington Post, New York Times, among others, are reporting on suicide, a sad, alarming situation, last reported in depth in the 90s. They’re quoting experts in suicide prevention. While so-called pundits encourage calling the many suicide prevention centers, hotlines, reporters are warned in effort to avoid copycat suicides, to keep people from committing suicides.

Think Tank Poynter advises using “neutral” photos. Images of a person who appears peaceful, calm, and serene send a message that suicide will get you to that “peaceful place.” A good thing gleaned from media articles was reminding people considering suicide how co-workers, families, et al, all left behind, would be hurt.

Call to hotlines increased 25 percent and 60 percent following recent deaths of celebrities!

The chair of the University of Pennsylvania’s Psychiatry Department said, “The trend is puzzling in part . . .”

Those puzzled, looking for solutions, should acknowledge the demon spirit of suicide, existent in Bible times, is the cause of suicides. The unregenerate can’t comprehend it.

I’ve said it before, say again what God says, the god of this world, Satan, is responsible. His job is to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). He knows his time is short so he’s ratcheting it up. He knows Jesus could come again momentarily. That demon tells people stuff like “everything will be okay.”

King Saul committed suicide (I Samuel 31:4). The counselor of David, Ahitophel, and Judas Iscariot committed suicide.

The number of psychiatrists committing suicide is notable. They ignore God created us triune begins, spirit, soul and body.

Merciful, compassionate, Almighty God, Creator provided the perfect antidote, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Savior of the world, Hallelujah! People need to make their peace with God whereupon they receive the peace of God, the peace that passes all understanding.

Through Christ we’re able to overcome shame, guilt, hopelessness, loneliness, fear of failure, conflicts, depression, oppression, distress and other situations Satan uses to deceive.

Christ makes new creations (I Corinthians 5:17). He created us immortal beings, sinners needing a Savior. His sacrifice insured forgiveness of our sins, found in the Book of Genesis.

There’s a battle for immortality waging. We were created to serve Almighty God. It doesn’t matter what man, some psychologists, psychiatrists, judges and lawyers say.

Bottom line, Christ commanded we make disciples. Were His people committed there’d be less committing suicide.

Warning: don’t listen to the devil. God says Satan is the father of lies, a liar, deceiver!

God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha!



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Evil is at the root of suicide