LETTER: Attacks on Trump relate to moving the embassy to Jerusalem

Dear editor,

President Trump’s stick-to-itiveness no matter what blesses many, God, too, surely. Has he ever had a day’s peace? Does he even realize God’s been using him? There were 17 candidates and then none, hallelujah.

Satan’s main reason for wanting President Trump’s demise, I’m convinced, is the May 19 moving of our embassy to Jerusalem, a congressional 1995 act never executed.

I’m sick and tired of the left fomenting anger, hatred and vitriolic attacks. Now hear this – Jesus Christ died in Jerusalem. He’ll return to Jerusalem from where He’ll rule and reign, so says God.

Jews continue their Aliyah (return to Holy Land) – 27,000 this year. They’re already celebrating the 70th year anniversary of God fulfilling prophecy.

Seventy-five years ago, before being packed like sardines in trains to their death by Nazis, Jews in Poland took a stand, aware of the consequences.

Emboldened by them, 70 years ago Jews took another stand. Result? Holocaust!

Thank God for stateside memorials. In Michigan an engraving reads, “These I do remember and for their souls I weep.”

My tour group found me doing that in Jerusalem at Yad Vashem years ago. Also memorialized there were Christians et al who hid Jews from the Nazis. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha!



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: Attacks on Trump relate to moving the embassy to Jerusalem