LETTER: Juvenile delinquents run our city

Dear editor,

My name is Brenda and I have a few things that I wish to share with everyone. I came to this town over 50 years ago to a very quiet and nice, small town to live, work and raise a family. I am appalled at all that is going on with our Mayor and City Council. It seems as if we have juvenile delinquents running our city. It is apparent that our Mayor and City Council wants to duplicate Bourbon Street within our downtown area. What is our city coming to?

Also, if you look around, Pea Ridge and Pace have experienced tremendous growth without bars. So, why does nobody want to (build) a business in Milton? Could it possibly be that no matter what people vote on, the Board of County Commissioners as well as the Mayor and City Council do what they want and not what the voters want?

Yes, we need to move Milton forward but bars are not the answer to economic development. I remember when our downtown area was an economically thriving hub. It can be again wit the right leadership that listens to the voters that put them in office.

Remember, everyone, this is an election year. 



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: Juvenile delinquents run our city