Ban the cancer of hate

Dear editor,

Today, I write about the upcoming election, more so, here in Milton. Now, as for the county office seats, eight years or more should mean voluntarily moving on without running for reelection.

Yeah, yeah, we know you meant well but why hold yourself and the county hostage as a matter of opinion?

I think that all elected officials shouldn't be allowed to stay in office for more than eight years. After that, they tend to become stalemate oppressors set in their own way and no longer for the people but bypassing the promises made.

I believe that any rightful human being should be respected and not belittled regardless of skin, or wealth or even the poor. However, there have been lots of white people who were well-off that misled or misused the office of the people for greedy money gain.

It's time White America comes out of its one-race mindset of thinking that they are more supreme than other races of people because we all came about in life the same way by birth and will all die the same old death.

It's time that we uplift one another in goodness and ban the cancer of hate for no good reasons.

People of color must have their place in life without white men's and women's envy. We don't need the approval of White America for our wants or needs. They're already known.

We don't want to be made to hate as most of White America does. We don't want to be branded as second-class citizens nor do we consider other races of people that way.

We don't teach our children to hate White America or to be ungrateful but yet our children wonder why our own countrymen still hate us for wanting our rightful place in life, in homes, jobs, educations, fellowship with other races and yes, even in elected offices of the county.

We are Americans and we are here to stay and will overcome the haters and bypass them.



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Ban the cancer of hate