Trump is not racist

Editor's Note: This is a reply to Kent Bush's guest column, "Dialing back the clock on civil rights," which appears at

Again Kent, like all good leftist Democrats, you tell only the part of story you want people to know.

You never mention that [Martin Luther] King was in Democrat-controlled Memphis, Tenn., to protest the city's sanitation department and its Democrat-controlled union that was discriminating against the black sanitation workers working for the same city's sanitation department.

James Earl Ray was a segregationist who in November of 1967 traveled to Democrat-controlled and segregated North Hollywood to work on the DNC's nominated presidential candidate's campaign, being segregationist Democrat George Wallace, whose presidential platform was based on black/white segregation. It was Wallace as Alabama governor who stood at the doors of [the University of Alabama] trying to deny black students entry.

So obviously you are not being truthful in your attempt to use racism against Trump.

M.L. King's own niece, Alveda King, and Rand Paul … have worked with Trump using Trump's donations for projects in Africa, and not in the few parts of white Africa! And both have come out as saying Trump is not a racist, but who are they to say, considering you have never personally met the man?

As to whether Trump said "I" or "I'd" or his "_ _ ithole" comment regarding Haiti and its own government, all I have to say is where did the money go after the earthquake? Where does the money disappear to in many of the African countries?

Their people didn't get it!

As a newspaper publisher I question your own fake opinion and facts!



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Trump is not racist