Reality check: trickle-down economics work

Dear editor, 

Since the evolution or creation of man, the idea of trickle-down economics [has been] a reality of the civilized free-enterprise system requiring business ownership and jobs.

Only an idiot would think that someone's own idea for a business belongs to everyone else and not the business owner who started the company from nothing.

Nike was started out of the trunk of a car with the sale of one pair of shoes at a time by the shoe's inventor and business owner. The economic trickle-down is what happened with the company's successes, allowing others to now realize their own economic success in the form of investment or employment in the same company.

The company created many millionaires and provided jobs to many less talented people or [those] less driven toward life's needed accomplishments for their own desired degree of success.

The reality is wealth creates wealth and those [who] oppose the wealth of others are the same less talented, less driven people who now demand a top-floor corner office of the corporate building with everyone getting a trophy.

No sacrifice, no investment, no ideas, no talent, and God forbid starting at the bottom, working your way up the ladder with hard work!

As a society, are we better off with or without Nike's existence? Remember, the owner started from the trunk of his car, the very bottom — his idea, his investment, his risk, his sacrifice; his business, his success story, his rewards!

Without ideas, investment, risk, sacrifice, hard work, and a system of rewards, what we are left with is nothing but to fight over the scraps from the things we have now demonized and destroyed … success!



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Reality check: trickle-down economics work