Want to quit smoking? Free resources are available

The current number of adult smokers in the bi-county area follows: Santa Rosa, 21.5 percent, and Okaloosa, 18 percent. But Florida smokers who want to quit tobacco can use free resources that can help them do so. [Pixabay.com]

The New Year is often a time to make resolutions typically focused on health.

With that in mind, the Florida Department of Health encourages tobacco users to kick off 2018 with a plan to quit smoking. The current number of adult smokers in the bi-county area follows: Santa Rosa, 21.5 percent, and Okaloosa, 18 percent.

The department’s Tobacco Free Florida program provides resources that allow individuals to access free tools and services to create a personalized quit plan. Since its establishment in 2007, reportedly more than 188,000 Floridians have successfully quit tobacco using these resources. 

Information about free quitting services is available at tobaccofreeflorida.com/quityourway.

Floridians can call the quitline at 1-877-U-CAN-NOW (1-877-822-6669).

Free nicotine replacement therapy, like the patch or a combination of the patch and nicotine gum, is available while supplies last.


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Want to quit smoking? Free resources are available