Spread the Gospel now

Dear editor,

Soon the greatest event ever, Jesus Christ’s birth, will be celebrated. Can anyone deny this messed-up world desperately needs a savior, our only hope?

Sexual misconduct/harassment, misuse of obscene amounts of tax dollars to silence victims (ad nauseam), President Trump’s mental state questioned, impeachment efforts, North Korean activities and threats of world War III dominate the media!

Against all odds Trump’s doing an okay job. No psychiatrist can help him or anyone else unless he or she is "born again." The unregenerate don’t understand God’s creations are triune beings — spirit, soul and body.

Worldwide happenings compel the accelerations of proclaiming the Good News. We sing, "Go Tell it on the Mountain . . . That Jesus Christ Is Born!"

This northerner was never told about life after death or Jesus. I never thought about death, thinking we just went 6 feet under. We never had a Bible at home; thought it was only for priests.

"Born again" now, at 87, as long as God gives me breath, I’ll not shut my mouth about Jesus. Only God knows which so-called "Christians" have ever told anybody, much less everybody, outside church buildings per "Go Tell . . ."  [that] Christ died for all.

Unless we tell them, they’ll never meet the giver of abundant life (John 10:10). Christians should execute "Onward Christian Soldiers," my favorite song. True soldiers of the cross do!

By the way, the Holy Bible, greatest book ever written, never to be superseded, warns of the third world war! How does that grab you?

God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha! 



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Spread the Gospel now