Kiwanis members discuss identity theft

Financial Advisor Michael Utke, with Edward Jones, receives the Milton Pride tag holder from Bonnie Holt, president of Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis. [Special to the Press Gazette]

MILTON — Financial Advisor Michael Utke, with Edward Jones, recently addressed identity theft with Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis members.

He spoke about when his credit card, social security number and birthday were stolen by someone who made a large purchase in his name. He mentioned the steps he took to clear his name, and what others can do when there is cyber fraud.

"Computer ransom,” password security and the differences many may not know between a debit card and a credit card were also topics of conversation with Sunrise members.

Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis meets 7 a.m. Wednesdays at Tanglewood Golf Course, where breakfast is served to all attendees.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Kiwanis members discuss identity theft