Make changes now — or nature will


Dear editor,

How do you stop, or alter supply and demand? More people [plus] limited land equal a greater cost. This also transfers to building materials' greater costs.

Everyone believes a higher minimum wage will correct all this but it didn't the last multiple times it was raised, or we would not be talking about it again. Taxes, again supply and demand — if $100 was the needed tax goal among 100 people then their obligation would be $1 each. But when only half the people can afford to pay taxes, then that obligation doubles to $2 each now among only 50 people.

Now when those same non-taxpaying people need assistance or get back in taxes more than they paid in that $100 needed, [the] tax goal increases to say $300 to help cover this cost. Now of the 50 people left paying taxes, some, let's say half, cannot afford this greater tax burden and now do not have to pay this extra tax because of their limited income. So now we are down to just 25 taxpayers paying this additional $200 collected tax goal.

This means 25 people are paying $2 each and now the remaining 25 people are now paying $10 each. As government continually grows or expands its services this type [of] scenario continues with less people paying taxes, and the needed tax goal to reach becomes ever larger. Borrowed money for this created scenario gap to pay for everything is paid back with minimum payments and thus the deficit and debt now grows with increased borrowing until it reaches a point of never truly being able to pay it back. 

To alter this failing scenario of this mathematical equation regarding society, something must change … You can't continue with a failing system of just raising taxes as our government has mostly done for the last 150 years. You either reduce the money spent for assistance and government, increase the number of taxpayers, or reduce the demand, which means decreasing the population to better match the resources of the earth available here within the United States for our society, or a combination of the three.

The earth is limited in what it has and can only offer so much to the different growing societies around the world. We either make changes or the unwritten laws of nature will make them for us! 



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Make changes now — or nature will