American Flag is not 'hate speech'


Dear editor, 

We’ve just celebrated Memorial Day. Flags galore saturated areas, TV, and events nationwide.

God bless the Boy and Girl Scouts, et al., for placing flags at graves of men and women who gave their lives that we might enjoy freedom.

A thrilling sight brings tears to my eyes every year!

Flag Day is June 14. Again, we’ll be blessed to see Old Glory galore displayed.

Walter Williams’ (professor at George Mason University) (syndicated) article, “Sheer Lunacy on Campus” was spot on! Shame on the student body (and the faculty) at University of California Irvine!  It “voted for a motion, which the faculty approved, directing that the American Flag not be on display because it makes some student uncomfortable and creates an unsafe, hostile environment. The flag is a symbol of hate speech, according to the student government leaders.”

Lunacy, without a doubt!

He describes “today’s academic climate as a mixture of infantilism, kindergarten and totalitarianism . . . more important for the future of our nation are the totalitarianism and the hate-America lessons being taught at many colleges.”

How disgusting!

By the way, President Trump’s birthday is Flag Day. Thank God for his boldness and guts to scold UN countries for not paying their fair share. Many Americans are fed up with the anti-Trump vicious attacks. They want to destroy Trump because he’s a threat to the establishment! The left et al. would rather see Trump fail than succeed!

Shame on those who subjected the Trump family to horrible, vitriolic attacks!

Not only our president, but also conservative radio talk show hosts and Hannity are viciously attacked. The threat of silencing, shutting them down is real, imminent!

Praise God, there’s Good News: Melanie Morgan and Brian Maloney organized the Media Equality Project. They’re determined to give the left and the “bad guys” some of their own medicine.


They’re growing rapidly with more supporters daily who are fed up with the media as well.

And if the “bad guys” dare to silence preachers, I urge Christians to rise up en masse to defeat them. It’s no big deal with the whole armor of God on!

Don’t forget, God doesn’t give us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7). Onward, Christian soldiers!

God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha!



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: American Flag is not 'hate speech'