Democrats should choose good over evil


Dear editor,

An Islamic terrorist suicide bomber kills at least 22 and wounded 59, mostly England's children, at an Ariana Grande concert.

(There are) eight nations with nuclear weapons, the ninth being North Korea, is still unconfirmed. The coming tenth nation is Iran, which was blessed in doing so by the Democrat administration of Barack Obama.

One illegal gun shooting and Democrats unconstitutionally want to take your legal guns or limit guns by raising your cost of ownership.

Still no temporary Muslim travel ban of people coming from Muslim nations entering the United States. No vetting system in place to refuse entry to those that cannot pass a test.

Liberal left federal judges protect even the most radical of the Muslim faith but have for decades violated the much more peaceful Christian faith in our nation with rulings on laws that should not exist.

According to the First Amendment, there should be "no law respecting an establish of religion.”

The sixth constitutional article's reference to "no religious test" only applies to government-type jobs, nothing else.

Again, the protections of our Constitution only apply to the citizens of our United States.

Osama Bin Laden wasn't protected by our laws.

Iranian officials did not sign our Constitution nor would Iran ever be invited to do so.

When will Democrats finally decide to protect the American citizens and quit protecting every other aspect of hostile societies outside of the United States?

There is only "good and evil”; Democrats should be very careful with what they have chosen!  



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Democrats should choose good over evil