SPEAK OUT: Abolish property taxes; leaders don't walk out

Here are featured comments from our Speak Out hotline, discussions on www.srpressgazette.com and its sister websites. 


Lower taxes on real estate and on rental properties means more money in the hands of Americans, not the bureaucrats.

Property taxes are a joke. You don't even own your own house — the Santa Rosa county commissioners own it.

If we had a flat 8 percent sales tax, you could abolish property taxes and restore your freedom.

The property appraiser is your landlord — you are only a tenant in your house.

They spend all day using Google Earth, spying in your backyards, looking for improvements like swimming pools so these so-called Americans can jack up your property taxes.

Geoff Ross


Walking out is absolutely irresponsible. Leaders don't walk out.

With that said, my opinion on the topic is that the purpose of a city manager is to manage. If the council as a whole doesn't agree with how he is managing (which includes hiring / disciplining / firing) then they need to hold the city manager accountable.

I have no problems with the council making recommendations for what action the city manager should take, but it's not the council’s responsibility to manage.

Can you imagine a business being run that way? Where the board of directors manage front-line employees, overruling managers / directors / CEOs? What a disaster that would be. If things aren't going well, the board replaces the CEO to start change, not front-line employees. Even in small businesses, there is a hierarchy.

Have to disagree with Snow on this one. Sounds like he is a little power hungry, which is never promising for a politician. Just my perspective.

Andy Cork


I wish I could walk out every time someone at my job said something I didn't like! No, I would be fired! Just as these people should be.

Jason Brad


How dysfunctional can a city council get? Councilman Jeff Snow wants to change the current city ordinance pertaining to power and duties of city of Milton NOW!

Snow wanted to amend the ordinance, allowing the council to have final approval by majority vote in the hiring and termination provisions of all contract employees, to include police chief, fire chief, all department supervisors with the city, as well as the special magistrate, and public information officer. NOW!

City Attorney Heather Lindsay said, “I would recommend that you not take any action on this until I look into the legal ramification of what you are suggesting.” Snow said he was sticking to his motion, and wanted it voted on by the council. NOW!

The motion was voted on with a second from Smith. It passed 3-2, with Johnson, Holley and Lunsford abstaining from the vote due to not being present.

If Johnson and Holley and Lunsford did not walk out, then the motion would be defeated.

Will Wilson          


How about letting the people decide who has the authority, Mr. Snow. Seems like you are trying to further a personal agenda when you make it such an urgent issue.

Put the issue out and let us make the choice. You know, the way it's supposed to be!

Jeremy Buchanan


Seems that the City Council (has) ordinances written to change things when they don't like something (or someone).

They agreed to have a new ordinance written to allow sales on Highway 90 in the city limits. The next meeting, they said, "Let's not even read the ordinance. Let's just deny them.”

Doesn't sound like that is how it is supposed to be done to me.

Holly Maconeghy           


They should periodically send out information sheets as reminders of what is acceptable to put into the recycling totes.

I, myself, have called to get a paper on what is acceptable and was told that it is the same as it used to be. Well, truth be known, after Milton stopped the recycling, some of us recycled the information sheets! Please send out more sheets!

Sandy Critters


They should have sent out information on what's recyclable or not! Give people knowledge!

Kristen Schreiner


The best thing to do is call ECUA and tell them to come get their containers and find another source for getting rid of your trash and recycling.

Randy Williams

We welcome Santa Rosa County residents’ comments on local issues.

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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: SPEAK OUT: Abolish property taxes; leaders don't walk out