Regarding the southern bypass and courthouse


Dear editor,

First off, an opinion — and a question will follow.

Regarding four lanes through Milton: I thought Mr. Johnstone’s letter (published in the March 8-10, 2016 Press Gazette) covered the situation very well. I would not be inclined to shop` in Milton or go to an eatery there if I had to fight four lanes of through Milton traffic.

For the most part, people passing through an area don’t stop and shop because they are driving by a store and remember, “Oh, I need to get such and such.”

Further, if I want something specific, I will look for the most convenient and accessible location while considering cost.

The southern bypass is the way to go.

Now, on the courthouse location, I note land was offered in Pea Ridge. My question is why isn’t the present county complex bounded by Avalon Boulevard and Highway 90 being considered? It is never discussed. It is accessible from four sides and has good infrastructure already in place.

It seems to me to be a better location than any that have been considered. In fact, I think “Milton city limits” is out there next to it.

Is there a hidden agenda that the public isn’t privy to, such that none of the county commissioners want to discuss it?



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Regarding the southern bypass and courthouse