Tweaking Obamacare — really not an option?


Dear editor,

Why is tweaking Obamacare not an option? Because it violates "We the People's" right of choice given to us in our Constitution!

Never in the history of our nation have we been taxed for something we did not buy or do not own!

Is the mandate penalty a tax? Absolutely; the IRS deducts it from your tax returns.

Did the "one supreme" (capitalized this way in our Constitution) court address this issue?

Yes, the court said it was a tax.

Did the "one supreme" or "highest" court address the mandate and its penalty tax in that ruling?

Absolutely not! Because it only addressed it being a tax, which is now a penalty tax, and nowhere in our Constitution does it state the government can tax "We the People" for things we do not purchase and thus do not own!

Article I, Section 8 of our Constitution states exactly what the federal government can tax, and never once does it say you can be taxed for an item or service you chose not to buy.

Where it states, "provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States,” the common defense is each state, or all states as a whole, protected against invasion (militarily uniformed or not) and domestic violence (Article IV, Section 4, the last sentence), which it may cause within a state or our nation of states, being the United States of America!

The "general welfare" of the "United States" is our "sovereignty" as a state and/or nation to pass our own laws without interference from an outside force.

The sovereignty of a state and/or nation is what defines it as a state and/or nation, as our Constitution describes with its written words!



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Tweaking Obamacare — really not an option?