Pelosi, Schumer are delaying progress


Dear editor,

Shame on vandals targeting Jewish cemeteries, community centers and day schools. (Editor’s Note: The New York Daily News reports that age, not vandals as initially believed, caused 42 headstones in a Jewish cemetery in Brooklyn to tip over.)

Trump should have/did condemn that hate/evil!

Shame on Bill Maher, Michael Moore, true liberals, et al. accusing Trump of using Carryn  Owens, Navy Seal’s wife, as a “pawn.” Trump, like many Americans, showed gratitude for Ryan Owens because he loves our country, our military, all who gave their lives in service!

Were it possible he/we would honor each and everyone who gave his or her life for America.

The calm, pleasant tone of his slam-dunk speech seemed energized by a sweet spirit.

Discovering some of his promises won’t be easy to keep without cooperation, his genuine love for this country compels him to try. He sincerely pled for Democrats, Republicans, all Americans, to unite to ensure success.

Much more would already be accomplished if Trump’s nominees were quickly confirmed.

If Pelosi, Schumer and despicable far lefties continue negative, obstructionist activity, all hope could be lost!

If all in Congress truly love our country, are selfless, honorable patriots, they will unite; much will be done!

Some think man is the answer to America’s mess.

Not true!

Things impossible with man are possible with God!

When God answered Columbus’ prayer, he knew the only hope for America would be Jesus Christ of Nazareth — Hallelujah!

Easter’s approaching. Jesus, the reason for the season, reminds all the same power that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in all “born again” Christians, empowering them to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil.

Even some believers occasionally suffer hurt, sorrow; are lonely, discouraged, depressed and let the cares of this world get them down.

To us, I say remember Gethsemane, Calvary, the agony Christ, Savior of the world, endured for all. Through Christ, we have the peace that passes all understanding. Praise God!

To non-believers, I say: Come unto Jesus. He loves you more than anyone else ever could; you are special and precious to Him. He’ll give you rest; purpose for living. He has a plan for every life. Seek Him while He may be found. Wise men still do. Call ye upon Him while He’s near! You’ll find Him looking for you.

The Bible doesn’t promise everyone will be saved. Those who are can make the world a better place.


Because they’re given new hearts (not the anatomical muscle); hearts that cannot harbor hate, racism, bigotry and evil promoted by Satan.

Their hearts are replaced with God’s agape, the ultimate kind of love!

Would to God more Congressional leaders, et al., were “born again.” It’s not too late. His second coming could be very soon. Prophetic signs unfold daily.

America must declare dependence on God and the Bible. Some previous presidents did! When 2nd Chronicles 7:14 is genuinely executed, our land will be healed — glory to God.

By the way, while on Earth, Jesus was a Jew!

God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha!



This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Pelosi, Schumer are delaying progress