Local Option Sales Tax calls to mind pier decision


Dear editor,

I’m sure everyone remembers December 2013, when the commissioners made a strange scoring system to rebid for new pier management.

The scoring system was made to deny Ms. (Dorothy) Slye from managing the pier again. The commissioners picked (Scott) Rayner, with TC’s Coastal Porch ….

The original four almost broke their arms patting each other on the back about what great business people they were. TC’s Coastal Porch was to have periodic weekend farmer’s markets and establishment of an annual $1,500 scholarship, plus do other things.

The commissioners fell hook, line and sinker for the story and did no enforcement.

We, taxpayers, continue to lose money because the pier continues to be subsidized by us taxpayers. What was a jewel turned into a nightmare because of another of the commissioners’ decisions.

Oh, by the way, Commissioners Cole, Lynchard and Salter voted for TC’s Coastal Porch.

This Local Option Sales Tax, LOST, has turned into another joke.

The commissioners have established a group to suggest to the commissioners how to spend the money, but the group has no power other than to repeat what the commissioners say.

Robbie Williamson said how could the group be “clued in enough” to know what projects to pursue.

First of all, Williamson has never been clued in. And if the commissioners are at a loss as what the money needs to be spent on, then why did they ask for the sales tax?

Remember last year, when the commissioners were running around like Chicken Little saying the courthouse is falling, and Williamson was willing to spend $50 million without any basis?



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Local Option Sales Tax calls to mind pier decision