No taxpayer bailout for reckless banks, again

Dear editor,

Mr. Trump, claiming himself the savior of Main Street, feasted on Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street speeches.  

Behind closed doors, he always saw himself as the great “Wall” Street builder.

Ignoring the 2007 $700 billion dollar taxpayer bailout caused by greedy banks crippling America, President Trump has already filled the swamp for another banks-cripple-America feeding frenzy.

 Advisor Gary Cohn, treasury secretary Steven Munchin and Bannon are all Goldman Sachs graduates. Jay Clayton, SEC nominee, is a Goldman Sachs lawyer. Billionaire foreclosure king Wilbur Ross is his commerce secretary.

All are required to “review” Dodd-Frank, passed in response to the taxpayer bailout. He gutted the “fiduciary rule” requiring those who manage your retirement accounts to act in your best interest and save you the $17 billion dollars a year they lose for not doing so.

HUD Secretary Ben Carson already raised mortgage prices for those with low income.

SEC Commissioner Michael Piwowar’s goal includes scuttling their enforcement power to investigate through subpoena.

Imagine if ISIS destroyed American earnings as the banks did in 2007, and then had you bail them out — there would be outrage. 

Where is yours?



This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: No taxpayer bailout for reckless banks, again