Fish and Wildlife violations include shining light, night hunting

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MILTON — The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission filed these cases between Feb. 3 and Feb. 9 in Santa Rosa County:


Officer Hutchinson received information about a hunter who used a high-powered rifle to shoot a deer while hunting the Escambia River Wildlife Management Area during muzzle-loading season.

While driving toward the boat ramp where the suspect’s vehicle was parked, Hutchinson saw the vehicle traveling toward him. As the vehicle passed, Hutchinson observed a whitetail deer lying in the boat being towed by the suspect’s vehicle.

During a subsequent traffic stop, the suspect claimed he shot the deer with a muzzle-loader rifle. Officer Hutchinson discovered that the suspect was in possession of only a muzzle loader, but after further questioning and inspection of the deer, the suspect admitted to shooting the deer with a high-powered rifle.

The suspect called a friend to bring him a muzzle loader after he shot the deer. Once the friend arrived at his location, they swapped guns and the suspect took possession of the muzzle loader and gave his friend the high-powered rifle to take back with him.

Officer Hutchinson issued the man a notice-to-appear citation for violation of illegal method of taking game. Hutchinson seized the firearm and deer as evidence.


Lieutenant Golloher and Officer Tolbert informed Officers Hutchinson and Arnette about a vehicle traveling along several back roads while shining a spotlight into the fields and into tree lines. The officers drove to the area where the suspect was seen and Officer Hutchinson saw the vehicle parked at a field while shining a spotlight into the field in a manner capable of disclosing the deer’s presence.

Hutchinson conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle and discovered a loaded 12‑gauge shotgun on the front seat. During a vehicle search, he also discovered an open container of alcoholic beverage in the front console. The suspect received a notice-to-appear citation for possession of a firearm while shining a light in a manner capable of disclosing a deer’s presence. He also received a citation for possession of an open container of alcohol in the vehicle. The FWC seized the firearm as evidence.


While working a night-hunting detail, officers observed a truck driving suspiciously: The driver was shining a light in specific areas where deer are often seen.

Officer Hutchinson approached the truck and watched a man shine a light into a field. He stopped the vehicle and discovered a loaded, 12‑gauge shotgun on the front seat as well as an open beer in the front console. The man received a notice to appear for night hunting and a traffic citation for possession of an open container of alcohol in the vehicle.


FWC officers teamed up with staff from the Division of Hunting and Game Management to assist with the Blackwater Hutton Unit Mobility Impaired Hunts.

Working with several volunteers, including family and friends of FWC staff, as well as retired officers, they provided lunch each day for hunters and their guests.

Several local businesses donated everything from food and drinks to hunting equipment for prizes. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Fish and Wildlife violations include shining light, night hunting