SPEAK OUT: Determining Russia's criminal intent; about the SRPG editorial…

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MILTON — Here are some of the latest calls, website and Facebook comments we received on Santa Rosa County issues.


If a confession of criminal intent from the suspect was needed to prove a crime, we would have a zero conviction rate of suspected criminals. Determining if a crime was committed is judged by the criminal act itself and guilt or innocence is determined by whether the suspect committed the criminal act!

Are the people of our government, newspapers, the media and Democrat politicians that stupid to think that all our laws were flawed, now being null and void and in need of being rewritten to accommodate for Hillary Clinton's no criminal intent defense?

Our intelligence agencies could not determine Hillary's criminal intent but miraculously can now determine Russia's criminal intent without questioning a single suspect.

It took a year to go through some of Hillary's emails but when she wanted them released, it was done in a week. It couldn't get any funnier even if scripted for a comedy!

Steven King


I have lived here 35 years. I've seen a lot of small-town politics in Milton, but most of it in the past. This new council has started off under a cloud that I'm not sure is going to be overcome. We're not in high school anymore, children.

John Dixon


When Meiss writes his master’s thesis in public history, he can detail how a mayor's arrogance, ignorance and ego were detrimental to a political career and success of a small city in Florida in 2016.

Betty Trout 


Finally, journalism with guts defining the truth of what actually happened … Mary Johnson has been harassed, stalked, bullied, embarrassed, discriminated against and all for no reason except they want her off the council so they can appoint another one of their cronies!

Believe me, they are not without their agenda to control the city of Milton, its citizens and the pocketbooks. I am so glad that Matt Brown wrote such a tell-the-truth, eloquent and factual report. Kudos to him and to the Santa Rosa Press Gazette for being unbiased in their decision to write and print this article!

Marilyn Caraway 


I think it is obvious Wesley Meiss is not mature or intelligent enough to hold this position. But we must not forget who started this mess and persuaded the mayor to bring this ridiculous charge forward… Why isn't (Milton City Councilman) Alan Lowery being held responsible? He needs to own it. He and the mayor need to get down to city business and stop the drama.

Lindsey Welch


Do any of you recall how Mrs. Johnson got elected the first time? This mayor (Meiss) told many, many of the people he spoke to that she was whom to vote for. I know, because he knocked on my door when he was campaigning to destroy the good ol boy system … I even remember speaking to her at the debate at the Imogene during that election when she herself told me she supported Wes' vision for Milton … But all of this will be ignored because this ‘paper’ clearly has an agenda.

Frank Blackwater


Wow, Press Gazette, way to be an unbiased source of information. How about you print the facts and leave the interpretations to the readers. What happened to journalists with integrity? Shame on you for your agenda based reporting.

Anthony Monteleone 

Editor’s Note: Publishing an editorial on the Opinion page is part of newspaper tradition and does not impede our mission to accurately report the news.

The newspaper's management heard readers' response to the Dec. 13 city council meeting and knew an editorial, though rare for this publication, was necessary.

The editorial was published without prejudice in the public's best interest.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: SPEAK OUT: Determining Russia's criminal intent; about the SRPG editorial…