Slow down on Lark Avenue in Milton

Dear editor,

Many drivers routinely exceed the posted speed limit of 20 miles per hour on Lark Avenue, a heavily used cut-through to get from Stewart Street to Dogwood / Bypass Road.

Speeds of approximately 40 miles per hour are frequently observed. Some particularly reckless drivers appear to be traveling at 60 to 70 miles per hour. Even school buses with children on board, city vehicles and U.S. Mail delivery trucks participate in this dangerous behavior.

This is problematic on several fronts. There are three families with small children living in close proximity to the intersection of Lark Avenue and Oriole Street. A school bus stop is located at the same intersection. There are two schools close by. Many children use the sidewalk to walk to school.

Additionally, there have been incidents of property damage, such as mailboxes being struck by out-of-control vehicles. It would be no surprise if a residence or parked car is the next victim in this densely populated area.

In years past, the Milton Police Department conducted speed-monitoring activities in this area. It is sorely needed again. My 80-year-old mother resides there and I do not want her to get run over while backing out of her driveway, or have her house demolished by an out-of-control vehicle. Such events are frequently featured on local newscasts.

It is not my intent to complain about any particular person or organization. Rather, I seek to raise awareness regarding this issue and ask for assistance in solving the problem. The life you save may be somebody you know.



This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Slow down on Lark Avenue in Milton