LETTER: Humanity will end humanity

Editor’s Note: This letter is in reply to “Get ready for the end times,” published in the Sept. 21, 2016 Press Gazette.

Dear editor,

I agree with six points in Jim Moore's numbered opinion piece. Before, during and after this period of 1953, America and humanity have made mistakes.


1. We defeated Germany twice and Japan once, but never defeated North Korea, so it remains a threat, and our soldiers still being there confirms my statement.

2. Eisenhower ended the Korean War, and only the future will determine if all the decisions then and since were correct.

Nos. 3 through 5: I agree. (Moore said, “3. Neighbors appreciated each other and even borrowed salt and flour from each other. 4. It was safe to leave doors unlocked and let kids play with each other. 5. Parents and teachers worked in unison to discipline schoolchildren according to accepted moral standards of right and wrong.”)

6. The justified earlier rise of labor unions, and this newly seen employee power over employers today — it abuses employers (demanding excessive pay and benefits). This includes laws that side with Democrat-supported unions; thus, a union and Democrat-supported government form of inflation.

There is a fine line between cooperation and abuse. When you abuse and vilify the hand that feeds, you can expect not to get fed — and be replaced, if need be, by machines and foreign labor. Then you can either find another job or become a business owner (today, 26 of 27 new businesses fail; it used to be nine of 10) and experience the abuse!

Nos. 7 through 9: I agree. (Moore said: “7. Parents, relatives and kids all lived in the same proximity. 8. Most people attended a church and Christian principles were valued. 9. Families usually ate meals together and sometimes even prayed over the food.”)

10. A large percentage of the family concept has been undermined by the government when it makes it personally more profitable for either parent to disband the family for a greater government-given opportunity or support by divorcing.


1. (Moore said: “Reverse technology to eliminate a worldwide competition for jobs.”) I really have a problem with this one. Technology, when used properly, has improved every aspect of humanity! It is humans who hold the gun of technology!

But in retrospect, it also has caused a worldwide overpopulation problem. We maybe have enough food, still allowing us to multiply, but there are signs of too many rats in the space-limited cage being Earth.

Humanity and religion see it as inhumane to limit human population growth but continually allows it to encroach on wildlife's habitat. This is humanity's current and future problem in more ways than anyone even realizes!  

2. (Moore said: “Bring back 40-year careers and stop rotating modular employments.”) Refer to above number 6.

3. (Moore said: “Show parents, if any are at home, how to raise their children with values.”) Who in society truly knows what to value beyond the 10 commandments of Christianity?

4. (Moore said: “Eliminate the use of cell phones and video games as daylong entertainment.”) Refer to the above answer.

5. (Moore said: “Stop instant gratification, road rage and using murder to solve arguments.”) When you can solve the imperfections of man, let God or the medical field know so either can make a better us!

6. (Moore said: “Stop family members from living in different states.”) Really! Why stop there? Make it where they can't leave your house! That will help with the overpopulation problem!

7. (Moore said: “Make right and wrong have meaning again.”) I think you meant to say, "Make everyone accountable for all their decisions in life." If you can't learn from your mistakes, then continue to live without others bailing you out your whole life. A hand up not a lifetime handout.

8. “Define an American”; one that supports the libertarian views both of our Founding Fathers and our written Constitution. That means understanding our Constitution's flaws, the reason for them, and reasoning behind its written words.

An American understands and supports the rights of others while also knowing and understanding their own rights under our written laws.

An American does not let either trample the other's rights with our written laws, as these laws are guided by the written words of our Constitution. Our Constitution, when properly followed, provides our United States of America, and Americans (regardless of any other aspect), more safety and prosperity as a whole population.

Your own abilities are the determining factor of where you settle in the financial aspect of life, and our poor are much better off than the poor of almost all other countries. Please show me a country where there are no poor.

Now refer to the above number 7 answer!

9. (Moore said: “Re-define democracy as the majority rules (until the next election).”) Hitler was followed by a majority of the people. You sure you want total mob rule for a government? That's what we have now with unlawful and unconstitutional acts of officials!

In our constitutional democracy, our democracy is our Constitution controlled by the 50 states and "We the People" thereof. Our republic is our elected officials who govern "We the People" through our laws, which should be guided by our Constitution.

Democrats don't understand the words "is,” “no” or “shall not be infringed,” and along with Republicans have very little understanding or true knowledge of our Constitution.

10. As for which God (this nation is under), Christianity has split into numerous divisions including devil worshipping, but yes all are still under what we see as our God. But as little as 500 years ago, Christianity was still executing supposed witches — devil worshipping supposedly.

The problem with the Islam religion is the violence of Sharia Law, and the fact it doesn't meet the guidelines of our Constitution. So if you support Sharia Law your views deny you the opportunity of ever becoming a citizen or entering our country because of the threat it poses to our citizens.

Now, what about Buddhism, Hinduism, the Folk Religion, Taoism, Shintoism and the other 10 or more religions around the world?

The liberal Democrats have used Darwin's theory of evolution to discredit Christianity. I can discredit Islam with the use of their Islamic prophet system. But I can validate both by understanding the evolution theory and the flawed Islamic prophet system.


As for the end of times, aside from a cataclysmic event that ends the existence of our planet, it will be humanity that ends humanity — and a very large number of people along with it!

Nature, through its own "laws of nature," will reclaim from humanity what it has taken and abused.

The few people who are now left will inherit the earth and history will again repeat itself because humanity has no accountability; thus, never learning from its own created mistakes!

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: Humanity will end humanity