LETTER: Wake up and vote, Santa Rosa County

Dear editor,

Wednesday morning, I woke up to the news that unofficial election results for Santa Rosa County were in, and my question is this: What happened to the 74.78 percent of citizens that decided not to vote?

Too busy, had a golf match, needed milk — all excuses; not reasons not to go to one of the numerous polling places and spend a few minutes and voice your opinion on who you want to lead Santa Rosa County, and who you want to represent Florida in Washington.   

The right to vote is one that many countries do not have.

It is a right that thousands of brave men and women died for so that you could have.

It is a right that our founding fathers thought so important, that they signed a paper that could have been their death warrant if those brave warriors of yesteryear did not fight and win our independence.

It is a right that could be taken away!

If the citizens of America do not wake up and go to the polls and show their support for the candidate of their choice, someday, someone in Washington is going to decide it is no longer worth the funds expended or the time wasted going through this process if the citizens of our great country no longer care.  

Those in Washington will take it upon themselves to vote for us. Read Roman history: The Roman Senate were the elite and made all the laws and chose leaders. The people did not vote.

Some of those laws did nothing for the Roman citizens, but instead filled the pockets of the Roman politicians.

Sound familiar?

Only 25.22 percent of registered voters in Santa Rosa woke up with the intention of voting — that, my friends, is embarrassing.    

From all the people that I have talked with about politics, every one of them had a opinion about what’s right and wrong in Santa Rosa County, the state of Florida and the federal government, but only 25.22 percent had the guts enough to vote their conscience this year.  

It’s time we wake up and start looking to the future of our country. What are we leaving our children and grandchildren?

It’s time we, the American people, take charge of our county, our state and our country by voting and electing people that are worthy to represent us here in Santa Rosa, the state of Florida and the United States of America.

God bless — Semper Fi,

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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: Wake up and vote, Santa Rosa County