LETTER: Tough Mudder left Santa Rosa due to scrutiny

Dear editor,

Rob Williamson blames sensible people for the Tough Mudder not coming back. The reason Tough Mudder is not coming back is because tax payers’ money was just given to them and Tough Mudder did not want to answer all the questions of who, what and where all the money went.

They are a for-profit operation.

Williamson thinks giving our tax money to Tough Mudder was a huge return on investment. Well, who of us would pay for something we can get for free?

No matter what the return was to us taxpayers, we are still in the hole for $80,000.

A question I’ve asked, and maybe someone else will (answer): What was Williamson’s explanation for giving Tough Mudder the $80, 000? He won’t answer me.



This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: Tough Mudder left Santa Rosa due to scrutiny