Kiwanis members take on new community service project

JoEllen Wolf (right), who thought up the Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis' newest undertaking, "Sunrise Littlest Angels Project,” received a Milton Pride license plate holder from the club. Here, she is pictured with Kiwanis president, Bonnie Holt.

MILTON — JoEllen Wolf received a Milton Pride license plate holder from the Sunrise Kiwanis Club.

The former nurse thought up the Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis’ newest undertaking, "Sunrise Littlest Angels Project.”

Sunrise Kiwanis members found an infrequent need in the labor and delivery section of Santa Rosa Medical Center, and conferred with the chief nursing officer and the director of labor and delivery.

Members will provide knitted gowns, caps or blankets to parents, as needed.

Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis meets 7 a.m. Wednesdays at Tanglewood Golf Course.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Kiwanis members take on new community service project