LETTER: Taxpayers lose again

Dear editor,

The results of the Tough Mudder economic benefit to Santa Rosa taxpayers sound like smoke and mirrors.

The food and lodging and incidental numbers are hard to believe, such as one report stating that the event supported 35 jobs, generating $853,873 in income.

Well, the 35 jobs times 40 hours for a week, equals 1,400 hours, divided into $853,873 equals $609.90 per hour that each person earned.

Really, who believes that?

But regardless, whatever the income generated to Santa Rosa County, the taxpayers could have gotten that income for free! Georgia, Texas and Kentucky didn’t pay a penny for the Tough Mudder event, and the taxpayers benefited.

But guess who pushed the issue to have taxpayers pay $80,000 to have the Tough Mudder event held in Santa Rosa County? That’s right: Rob Williamson.

So regardless of the income, taxpayers are still out $80,000 thanks to Rob Williamson.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: Taxpayers lose again