Beachgoers asked to use public access at Navarre Beach

Walking over newly planted dunes causes damage to the sea oats, so Navarre beachgoers are encouraged to always use walkovers to cross dunes.

NAVARRE — Dune planting is underway on the newly restored Navarre Beach, and Santa Rosa County asks beachgoers to use one of 12 public access points when visiting Navarre Beach. Walking over newly planted dunes causes damage to the sea oats.

"Sea oats are a vital part of dune formation along the northern Gulf of Mexico. Dunes protect our homes and businesses from the brunt of tropical weather events," said Chris Verlinde, University of Florida Food and Agricultural Sciences Sea Grant extension agent. "The massive root system of the sea oat plant is capable of holding soil and sand in place during extreme tropical weather events. The leaves and stems catch blowing sand to further help build the dunes. The collection of sand and plant growth contribute to the increased formation of the dunes."

Beachgoers are encouraged to always use walkovers to cross the dunes — even those that are well established — as footpaths can damage plants' root structure, allowing high tides and storm surge to damage roads, homes and businesses.

In fact, Santa Rosa County has an ordinance in place protecting dunes. A map of Navarre Beach walkovers is available.

Contact Roger Blaylock, 981-7111, for more information.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Beachgoers asked to use public access at Navarre Beach