SPEAK OUT: deputies' reckless driving, safe inmate workers

MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues. 


I just about got run over by a … deputy that changed lanes and almost hit me hauling butt down Highway 90, and then turned his siren on to run me off the road.

They’d write tickets to anybody else driving like he was driving.

They need to send some of these new young deputies back to an emergency vehicle operators’ course because they obviously can’t drive.


Yes this is Joe. I called in about the article on the sheriff department and you guys refused to print it on the Speak Out area. Why have the Speak Out if you can’t say what’s on your mind? You guys are screening calls that you feel that you want to hear and not hear. I say just get rid of Speak Out if you can’t speak your mind. Thank you.

Editor’s Note: Readers are welcome to speak out on local issues. The only guideline is to not name names. We often receive calls attacking other people’s character or containing claims we can’t immediately verify or are flat out false. No responsible newspaper publishes those kinds of comments.

We also won’t publish comments that bash local candidates for elected offices. These policies keep discussions civil and fair.

Feel free to attack an issue, not the person, and we will be happy to publish your comment. 


Yeah, this is Bobby. I’m glad to see you got the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission column back in the paper.

The people that are worried about inmates working in their neighborhood, I think they’re just looking for something to worry about, because at least they’ve got a security guard with them.

What about if you got some other people doing construction around there? They could have people that just got out of jail or something and there isn’t anybody guarding them. Don’t worry about it so much.


This is Tony the critic. To any gay person seeking God, I am sure you are familiar with the self-righteous religious church-goer who returns home to play an armchair judge. Also assuredly, you know they will mention Sodom and Gomorrah at the drop of their judgment.

I urge you to counter with the story of the flood — turnabout is fair play. Refer to Genesis 7, when God destroyed all life, including scores of heterosexuals, for their sinful ways, (and) saved Noah and his entourage.

Out of these two encounters, the flood is the only time in the Bible when God regretted his creation.

We welcome Santa Rosa County residents’ comments on Milton, Pace and Jay area issues. Call 623-5887 to “Speak Out,” and your comment could appear in the print edition and onsrpgressgazette.com

Alternatively,write a letter to the editor.

Say what’s on your mind, but please be civil.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: SPEAK OUT: deputies' reckless driving, safe inmate workers