LETTER: The gun ban is based on a fantasy

Dear editor,

The Democrat stance on banning guns is based in fantasy. People who want to kill will find a way regardless of the laws put in place.

Whether it is a semiautomatic rifle, shotgun or hand gun (all are available with high capacity bullet or shell options), a plane, sword, knife, machete, or pressure cooker bomb, where there is a will there is a way.

The gun ban argument is cover for all the separate groups within the party that are actually in conflict with each other. Democrat Christians' views are greatly different than the views of Agnostics, Atheists, Islamic Muslim and the LBGT community within the party.

But the reality is each of these groups are in conflict with the main principles of the other groups.

The two groups that are most closely aligned are the Agnostics and Atheists.

The four groups are complete opposites, as different as night and day, but act as if they exist in harmony under the Democrat Party.

The Orlando shooting proves they do not exist in harmony! Their ideologies do not exist in harmony! 

According to Democrats, certain guns are the cause for the conflict because it is the only common denominator. If you get rid of certain guns all conflict will come to a end is the thought of gun opposing democrats.

Now, leaving the fantasy world, and entering the world of reality, wouldn't the world be safer if Democrats were banned from owning guns?

Shouldn't Democrats show leadership by violating their own Constitutional rights first before violating someone else's considering the Orlando shooter was a Anti-Christian, Anti-Agnostic / Atheist, Anti-LBGT, Anti-American, Islamic Muslim Democrat!

Barack Obama's other solution is to import more like minded people as that of the shooter! Good Luck with that, I hope you and your kids survive it!

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: The gun ban is based on a fantasy