SPEAK OUT: Dangerous Dogwood Drive, Dogs at Mill Site Park

MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues. 


Hi, this is Dale — on Dogwood, taking my life in my own hands again. I admit I was 10 miles an hour over the speed limit, and I could not keep up with traffic. Some guy passed me, so dangerously weaving in and out of traffic that I thought maybe he would have a wreck … It would be nice if police would enforce traffic laws on that road.


I grew up around here. I used to play at the old mill site. I'm happy with all that they're doing — except for allowing dogs down there … You got people with dogs off the leash, (eliminating) all over the walk for people to walk on… They're supposed to have them on a 6-foot firm leash and they're supposed to have a pooper scooper with them.

I've got three horses, four dogs and chickens. I don't take them out or let them poop on everybody else's thing. Keep your dogs at home. If you want to, walk them in your own yard. Don't take them in public places where kids are walking out there, getting all that feces on their feet.


This is Raymond, and I was wanting to speak out about … the United States. It seems like Christians (have ignored)  what is going on in the world with homosexuality, guns, wayward children, and stupidity.

It's just a shame that I watched how Santa Rosa County, in particular, was all up in arms about a … rebel flag but they won't stand up and join hands in fellowship and come together in Christ for homosexuality and other stuff.

It just don't make sense. Our parents don't try to instill anything positive in their children now days. I see so many young people out doing stuff that don't make sense. One of the worst things in the world these parents are doing with their children is giving them these evil cell phones that they walk around with and get into mischief with. It just don't make sense how this country just has no value at all and is headed to a third world. We'll be a third world country pretty soon and foreign people will be running this country because of the jelly-backed Christians who are afraid to stand up for Christ who pretend to be Christians on Sunday but are worldly the other six days, very shameful.


Yes, I'd like to comment on the ones that have been calling about God and Satan. First of all, God is and was and always will be, and Satan in 1 Peter 5:7 tells you what Satan's doing. And Genesis 1:1-3 tells what God has done and what all He's made and if you had no other verse than John 3:16 that would lead you to Christ. And also John 8:44 tells if you're not saved your father is the devil, so the devil is your father if you don't know Christ.


I want people to refer to Matthew 28:18 where Jesus says, "All authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to me." Romans 13:1: "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities for there is no authority except from God and those that exist have been instituted by God."

Note these two verses refer to Jesus and God referring to Earthly matters, not Satan. Also read Hebrews 13:17: "Obey your leaders” …


This is Dee. Whoever makes the decision on what’s going to be printed and not printed in your Speak Out is biased and prejudiced. You can put something in there that bashes Trump, but you can’t put anything in there that defends Trump … The first thing, I know you are all Democrats and you are biased. I just won’t go on any further, but it’s a one-way paper.

We welcome Santa Rosa County residents’ comments on Milton, Pace and Jay area issues. Call 623-5887 to “Speak Out,” and your comment could appear in the print edition and onsrpgressgazette.com

Alternatively,write a letter to the editor.

Say what’s on your mind, but please be civil.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: SPEAK OUT: Dangerous Dogwood Drive, Dogs at Mill Site Park