Milton High girls compete in poise, personality, appearance

From left are Paige Brown, most photogenic; fourth runner-up Mariah Bortolin; second runner-up Cristina Hellar; Miss MHS Annabeth Briggs; first runner-up Alexis Thorpe; and third runner-up Chloe Dawson.

MILTON — Thirty-six Milton High School girls recently competed in the 28th Annual Miss MHS Scholarship Pageant.

The contestants, from various school clubs, classes and organizations, vied for the ultimate prize — a $500 scholarship and a Sorrelli necklace-and-earrings set donated by Sarah Davis and Donna Dudley from Ooh La La.

Five qualified judges decided these young women best represented MHS based on poise, personality and appearance:

●Miss MHS — Miss Annabeth Briggs, representing Track and Field

●First Runner Up — Miss Alexis Thorpe, representing the National Honor Society

●Second Runner U p— Miss Cristina Hellar, representing Girls Varsity Soccer

●Third Runner Up — Miss Chloe Dawson, representing the Fellowship of Christian Athletes

●Fourth Runner Up — Miss Mariah Bortolin, representing the National Art Honor Society

●Miss Congeniality — Miss Alexis Thorpe

●Most Photogenic — Miss Paige Brown, representing Girls Varsity Basketball

Denise McDonald, from The Open Rose Florist, donated all the winners’ flowers and stage decorations. Event organizers also expressed gratitude to the Press Gazette for its full-page color spread earlier in April.

Event coordinators — Missy Jordan and Tracey Worrell — expressed thanks for all the sponsors’ donations, which made the event such a success.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Milton High girls compete in poise, personality, appearance