What’s your problem? Kennington Circle could develop potholes


Oscar Greene, a 27-year Kennington Circle resident, said if the county doesn’t fix cracks on the road, erosion and garbage truck traffic will create potholes. Greene said the county will have to pay more in the future to fix potholes if it doesn’t seal the cracks now.


Santa Rosa County Public Works Director Steve Furman said the county lacks a program that would allow it to fill county-road cracks on demand; the cost to do so would be high enough to force shutting down another operation.

“Resurfacing is what all of our roads would eventually need,” Furman said. “Sealing is just a Band-Aid, not a splint, not a cure.”

The county does periodically seal cracks and fill potholes, Furman said.

Furman said waste haulers pay more for their vehicle registration than personal automobiles due to their weight. However, he said, going to the franchise system in Santa Rosa County reduced the number of garbage trucks on the roads — and the number of trips they make — resulting in less stress on asphalt.


“Kennington Circle will come around at some point and reach the top of the list,” Furman said. “It's not nearly the closest to being resurfaced in that district. We have lots of other roads that are in worse shape.” Kennington’s pavement, Furman said, is in “pretty decent shape,” but he said the county lacks the money and manpower to seal every crack.

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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: What’s your problem? Kennington Circle could develop potholes