LETTER: Trump stands for reinstating eroding American values

Dear editor,

Yes, the “Republican establishment” is not happy. Why?  Because a significant change to the Republican Party is being forced to happen by having Donald Trump as the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party. 

Nobody on the inside wants to be forced to change, especially in one year. So, as Ted Cruz goes from ‘Trust – Ted’ to ‘Bust – Ted’ (thanks, John Boehner, for the extra push) the inevitable emergence of Trump occurs.

So, why are the majority of the people voting for Mr. Trump?   My take is that the people are sold that Trump stands for reinstating many American values that have slowly been eroding for 50 years.  

Trump is an example of hard work paying off; Trump speaks of commitment, determination, never quitting, standing up to the bullies and not being pushed around.

He offers specific solutions to problems, not sending the problem to some committee for a review. Trump is computer literate and involves his constituency for feedback. He also doesn’t intend to hide in back rooms and make secret deals (except maybe on ISIS). He has his ear to the ground and his pedal on the metal. He is somewhat of an icon for how to make the purported American dream work. Now he wants to share that with the rest of us (people, not establishment).

These are pretty compelling incentives for me to vote for Trump.

Now for me, I wish he would woo Colin Powell back to the Republican Party to join him as his VP pick. It was my opinion that the last Bush administration used Powell’s credibility to help sell the Iraq war. This pushed Powell over to the Democrats.

He is a good man, and would add a unique perspective and strength to the ticket for Trump.

Jim Moore


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: Trump stands for reinstating eroding American values