SPEAK OUT: Speeding on Avalon; slow down in Pace!

MILTON — Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues. 


Just wanted to make a comment about being a cop, sitting on Fairlands Road, checking for speeders.

(It’s) a road basically out in the middle of the back side of nothing; (meanwhile), you have hundreds of speeders going up and down the boulevard all day and all night long.

Seems like it would be a better thing for them to sit on Avalon and check for speeders. They could really rack up the tickets.


This is Jesse from Pace. I’d like to ask a question. The speed limit’s 20 on my road and I’ve got a sign put up that says “Watch for children, please.” Because they might dart out in the road in front of cars.

People speed up and down this road like it’s the interstate. This afternoon, a deputy cop car passed my house blowing the sand up off the highway. I don’t know if he was going 40 or 50. I’m not quite sure. It was a lady deputy.

Now, how can I get people to slow down when people on the road see the police doing this? What’s the point in trying to get some help and the ones supposed to enforce the law are breaking the law?

We welcome Santa Rosa County residents’ comments on Milton, Pace and Jay area issues. Call 623-5887 to “Speak Out,” and your comment could appear in the print edition and onsrpgressgazette.com

Alternatively,write a letter to the editor.

Say what’s on your mind, but please be civil.

She didn’t even have her lights on. If she had her red and blue lights on, I could have looked over it, but she was just flying down the back streets, and that isn’t right.


This is Bobby. You know the city’s wanting to spend all kinds of money to get the courthouse downtown. There’s other things they could do with their money.

I’m not in the city, so I don’t have a dog in the fight. I checked on renting the pavilion at Russell Harbor landing. You can rent it for eight hours. It’s reasonable to rent it, but then they tell you there’s no bathrooms down there. Now, that ought to be a health issue … You know they’re going to be eating and drinking with no place to go to the bathroom. They’re going to go behind the building, in the woods, in the water, something.

So they ought to spend a little bit of that property money building bathrooms. They could rent those things a lot more often and probably make a little money.


I’m surprised to see the Press Gazette is against Trump, and I think we can do without your guest columnist that was in the Wednesday, April 13 edition.

I’m thinking about canceling my subscription period, because I don’t know who you are for. Maybe you are for Hillary Clinton. Who knows?

Editor’s Note: The Press Gazette has endorsed no political candidate and is never “for” anyone, as an organization.

Rick Holmes, a columnist with More Content Now, recently criticized the presidential candidate Donald Trump, and the Press Gazette only ran the column because it filled space and offered food for thought — it had nothing to do with the column’s content.

With that said, we welcome local guest columns on any local topic, and already had plans to replace wire content with more local columns reflecting the community’s interests and values.

But that starts with you, our readers.

Please email guest columns and letters to the editor to news@pressgazette.com.


This is Tony the Critic. I just had a few Bible verses for the gossips and slanderers. The first one being Ephesians 4:29, Psalm 101:5, and Proverbs 10:18, and Titus 3:2.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: SPEAK OUT: Speeding on Avalon; slow down in Pace!