SPEAK OUT: Milton courthouse and nepotism; vote them out

Here are the latest calls we received on Santa Rosa County and Milton area issues. 


Hey, Milton, are you paying attention? The city council is prepared to pay a city council member’s wife $125,000 for property that’s not even worth $50,000. Pay attention. Call your council members and tell them you’re tired of waste and nepotism.



My name is Ray. Regarding your recent article on Milton, Santa Rosa Jewelers made an interesting argument against the proposed courthouse location: That is, it may benefit eateries but not be accommodating to retailers.

The courthouse decision essentially sets downtown Milton as a day town only, with primary businesses being the ones associated with the courthouse. With all the parking necessary for a courthouse and the large footprint for a courthouse building, as well as holding-pond area requirements, the ability for other growth is severely limited. It will never be a tourist area.

After 5 p.m., you might as well turn the lights out and roll up the sidewalks since there is little need for either of them, but that is a choice Milton leaders made.

Unfortunately, three of our county commissioners got taken in by the hype to build a three-story courthouse in a flood plain bound by a river on one side, a railroad on another, and limited access to it from the majority of the county residents.

It’s a decision that’s almost beyond belief.



Hi, this is Jim. I just loved what Fred had to say about land for the courthouse and the county commissioners not liking what was suggested, but you’re absolutely right about the flood zone. I saw that coming.

One thing is for sure … The county commissioners in Santa Rosa are not, I repeat, are not, looking after the public’s interest but their own.


Ask yourself who owns the land where the courthouse will be built. If it’s a county commissioner or any member of his family or close friend, shame on them.

Santa Rosa needs to vote every last one of them out. Yes, put them out to pasture. 

We welcome Santa Rosa County residents’ comments on Milton, Pace and Jay area issues. Call 623-5887 to “Speak Out,” and your comment could appear in the print edition and onsrpgressgazette.com

Alternatively,write a letter to the editor.

Say what’s on your mind, but please be civil.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: SPEAK OUT: Milton courthouse and nepotism; vote them out