Representative Jeff Miller will not seek another term

Representative Jeff Miller is not running again for his District 1 congressional seat announcing the day has come to “pass the torch.” Miller is pictured here at a Navy League function with Santa Rosa County Commissioner Jayer Williamson, who coincidentally is running for a District 3 state spot.

In a press release Thursday, Representative Jeff Miller announced he would not seek re-election for his 1st Congressional District seat. He has been in office since 2001.

He said, “Fifteen years ago when Vicki and I were praying about running for Congress, we could have never imagined what may lie ahead. As we made our decision we knew there would come a day when it would be time to pass the torch. That day has come, and I am announcing I will not seek re-election to Congress,” Miller wrote.”

His work focused on military affairs, seeking positions on the Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs Committees, “two places,” he said, “where I felt I could best represent my district and make a difference for the entire Nation.”

His most recent work involved the Phoenix, Arizona VA Medical Center where he was pleased the VA Medial Center Director Sharon Helman plead guilty to a felony and “is now facing some consequences for her criminal activity.”

He went on to say, “It’s time for VA and the Senate to get in step with veterans and taxpayers and get behind commonsense proposals like the House-passed VA Accountability Act, which would enable the department to quickly purge corrupt and incompetent employees from the payroll and prevent convicted felons from sneaking out the back door with full taxpayer-funded pensions.”

The congressman also noted the federal contribution to storm recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Ivan in 2004, and passing the RESTORE Act in the light of the “Deepwater Horizon disaster” that “affected the Gulf of Mexico and its surrounding communities.”

In addition to maintaining his VA committee chairmanship, he also will remain on other House committees.

“As we approach the markup and consideration of the annual Defense Authorization Bill, I will do everything in my power to ensure our Armed Services remain the finest and most equipped fighting force in the world. And in an ever dangerous world, I will continue my service on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.”

According to, running for Miller's seat are Republican Brian Frazier, retired Navy officer, no party affiliated Anitra Brown, and past candidate and structural restoration contractor, no party affiliated Mark Wichern.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Representative Jeff Miller will not seek another term