ECUA price increase unwarranted

Dear Editor,

Less than a year and a half since the Santa Rosa County Board of CountyCommissioners forced its residents to use ECUA for trash pickup services, ECUA has gone up in price.   ECUA claims the rate hike is due to the landfill going up in price $2 per ton; however ECUA is going up $1.98 per customer per quarter.  I, for one, do not have ECUA pickup one ton of trash from my house per quarter and, therefore, do not think this increase is merited.  The biggest problem I have is with the board itself.  As a government organization if you take away free market which can drive down price and force us to go with your newly created monopoly, then you better have some government oversight of that monopoly.  The board’s haste to approve this on November 18, 2014 without fully thinking about all of the consequences and with no members of the public present, makes this concerned citizen very upset.

Matt Sears


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: ECUA price increase unwarranted