Pope calls Trump Non – Christian

You should be noticing the pope is more and more regularly on the world radar screen concerning world events and headlines. This is prophetic and will continue and increase all the way to biblical end times. News media loves covering the pope’s activities and, in fact, marvels after the pope’s efforts. Catholics, of course, are mesmerized and motivated as their current earthly leader is quoted and glamorized. The pope constantly roams the earth seeking whom he might sway into sympathizing with his earthly mission. He has recently been in America, speaking to Congress, and has just been in Mexico to decry world oppression. His apparent quest for love and peace to mitigate world suffering and oppression strikes the hearts of Catholics and many other observers.

Now this pope calls Donald Trump a non-Christian (mostly because Trump’s stand on immigration). This pope, however, unlike his predecessors, can’t go all the way to calling Mr. Trump a heretic and have him burned at the stake. But, that is what did occur about 700 years ago, during the dark ages. Yes, all the popes of those times could enforce, if you had different believes, either your persecution or your execution. The Protestant Reformation, soon to be forgotten, was a time when hundreds of thousands, even millions died for ‘protesting’ Catholic doctrines, standing for the bible only. But, along the line of time, about 200 years ago, the pope lost this political power when Napoleon seized the then reigning pope and ended the political power of the Vatican. Since then, however, the papacy has slowly re-emerged as a leading religious power only.

In the early 20th century (1929), the Italian leader, Benito Mussolini, did restore the papacy to a political leader, but this has not caused any political tyranny yet, up to 2016.

Revelation 17:11, talks about a persecuting beast power that was, is not, but will be again. One interpretation connects the papacy to this prophecy.

Finally, the pope calling Trump a non-Christian is relatively harmless in 2016 AD but it was not the case when the pope called you a non-Catholic around the year 1400 AD.

Jim Moore


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Pope calls Trump Non – Christian