Speak Out February 17

Wednesday, February 10

Hi Tony, this is George. Space is limited and it will take more than is available so visit us at Pace Church of Christ at 4075 Berryhill Road. We will be worshiping the only true God in spirit and truth at 10:30 a.m. every 1st day of the week. If I have stepped on your toes, I am sorry. I was aiming for your heart. George.

Thursday, February 11

Yes, My name is Shannon. I would like to speak out about the red light cameras. They are illegal in the state of Florida. Several judges have thrown out over 2,400 tickets, which added up to millions of dollars. So we go to a private company that take pictures of you running a red light and then send it out to another state to have it developed to have a cop that wasn’t even there sign off on it. Red light cameras are illegal and should be taken down and that is my speaking out on this subject. I would like to see them taken down, they are not safe. You see people speeding up to avoid a yellow light or a red light and then people will slam on brakes to avoid going through a yellow light and get rear ended which is more dangerous than they would be without them being there. So, take them down.

Monday, February 15

This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. I really enjoyed Ron Hart’s article about Castro Nation and Cuba in the Saturday 13th paper and I suggest that people that are ignorant of what socialism is that they study up on it and find out what every word he said about it is true. You can ask a Cuban that came from over there to live in America where they can be free. Ask any of them that are from the nations that are socialist and then you might understand more and be careful about what who you vote for. Thank you.

Monday, February 15

Good Morning, I am Betty. I have a word of approval concerning the Milton traffic light cameras. Since they have been installed, I have been reminded to control my speed while approaching all traffic lights. Also to keep a safe distance from other drivers ahead of me, in the case that they jam their brakes at these lights. The cameras, in my opinion, are good for my town. Thank you.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out February 17