BOCC to revisit alcohol policy in parks, other county locations

As Santa Rosa County changes to meet the needs and desires of its citizens, so must the laws and codes change. Notably, recent events like last year’s Tough Mudder and Country on the Sound gave the commissioners reason to revisit county policy on alcohol during Monday’s meeting. The BOCC again looked at the issue when Planning Director Beckie Cato discussed updating county code related to special events and park usage.

Cato discussed multiple aspects with the board but began with alcohol in county parks. She first noted code only allows it on Navarre beach and only by nonprofit organizations when authorized by the board. She asked first if the board would continue limiting alcohol to Navarre “because it’s a different tourist area,” and second, she asked if usage should continue to be limited to nonprofits “and if so, should variances be allowed for that with board approval.”

Commissioner Rob Williamson stressed the need for board approval of “an entity, non profit or otherwise” using a park, the same for said group wanting alcohol. He went on to say he wasn’t sure he would support  anyone being allowed to have alcohol in NavarrePark.

Williamson said, “NavarrePark may have started out as a community only usage park, but now it is clearly used … heavily for visitors to this area. A family that comes to NavarreBeach, one of the places they bring their kids to is the splash pad and to NavarrePark.” He said the county should be wary of allowing events where alcohol would be present when visitors may unwittingly bring their children.

Commissioner Salter brought up events like weddings for the county auditorium. “I think we have to look at how those uses have changed over time.”

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: BOCC to revisit alcohol policy in parks, other county locations