Navarre resident charged with 16 counts of possession of child porn

 Andrew Allan Barlow of Navarre is facing charges of possessing obscene material depicting child sex, according to an arrest affidavit from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. An investigation into Barlow began in October of 2015, after an FDLE agent from the Pensacola Regional Operations Center (PROC) received information from the NationalCenter for Missing and Exploited Children Cyber Tip line regarding suspected child pornography uploads.

According to Barlow’s probable cause arrest affidavit, a video containing obscene material was uploaded utilizing an email account on October 15 of last year.

With a subpoena information from a wireless provider, investigators were able to link the uploads to a cell phone owned by Barlow. FDLE agents later questioned Barlow and seized his phone in which they obtained a search warrant for the device.

On January 29, the search revealed multiple images, videos, documents and /or evidentiary value. The affidavit revealed at least 16 obscene videos which depicted a sexual performance of a child. Barlow remains in the Escambia County Jail on a $160,000 bond. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Navarre resident charged with 16 counts of possession of child porn