Milton: Council Member Marilyn Jones resigns, Grady Hester fills seat

Marilyn Jones

 In the midst of health and personal issues, Milton Council Member Marilyn Jones tendered her resignation during Tuesday night’s regular council meeting. Taking her seat on the council for the remainder of the term is former Council Member Grady Hester.

“I have sat on the council and I have been honored to serve on this council,” Jones said at the meeting.

When addressing the council, Jones made a motion to appoint Hester to her seat.

While Mayor Meiss said he was saddened to hear about the resignation, Meiss suggested following a procedure in which the council would be tasked to find another council member within a 30 day period. Each applicant would then be submitted to City Clerk Dewitt Nobles and then be presented before the council for a decision.

The mayor suggested other residents might be interested in representing Ward III on the council in addition to Hester.

Both Council Members Ashley Lay and Alan Lowery agreed with Meiss and both voted against the motion. Council Member Jimmy Messick said the council could allow Hester to temporarily take the seat until the next election cycle by a majority vote from the council, according to the city’s charter.

“So the council could in fact fill the appointment right now or anytime between now and thirty days,” Messick said. “Then if we didn’t do it in thirty days, the governor would have the chance to do it.”

Withstanding the two nay votes , the motion was passed.

Jones said Hester is an ideal choice to fill the vacancy due to his previous experience or 20 years on the council.

“(Hester) and I served in the same ward and I think he would be a fine person to finish out this term,” she said.

 In addition to previously serving on the council, Hester also served seven years on the city’s board of adjustments. The U.S. Navy veteran is also a member on the board of directors for Pen Air Federal Credit Union and serves as a deacon with Hickory Hammock Baptist Church.

“I have been asked to seek reelection for next time,” Hester said. “(I) didn’t know that Marilyn was going to resign or anything of that nature, but I am willing to step in and help the city out until her term is over with.”

Jones received a standing ovation from everyone at the meeting following sincere words of Planning Director Randy Jorgenson.

“I have done this work for 25 to 30 years on the federal, state and local levels for literally scores of elected officials and I stand to recognize the woman that has provided me with a lot of love, guidance, help, leadership, courage and commitment to this city, Marilyn Jones.”

Before leaving the council meeting, Jones shared advice towards fellow council members.

“I hope that most of you will learn to work together and work for the city’s best interest and not self interest,” Jones said. “For most to remember that when you vote, you are voting as a citizen because you are a citizen and what you vote for also rules you as a citizen.” 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Milton: Council Member Marilyn Jones resigns, Grady Hester fills seat