Speak Out January 9

January 5

This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. I’m wondering why Obama wants to keep putting restrictions on the common people, the ones that are law abiding, about the guns because every time these mass shootings were done, except maybe one or two, it was a place that was gun-free. They had no guns to protect themselves and it was done by ISIS or somebody who was in love with ISIS. So, I think Congress needs to open their mouths and we need to stop this, okay?

January 5

Good evening, my name is Chris. I am on East Spencerfield Road at 5:30 p.m. going north. There is a four-way stop and the backup is a quarter mile long. I have been driving home this way for three years. How about a traffic light? Has anyone done a survey that this road may need a traffic light?

January 6

This is Tony. I just have a few questions for religious people being people that go to church every time the doors are open. If you actually read your Bible you should be able to answer these questions, but evidently you do not live by them or give them credit. In the Bible, who puts people in places of authority above you? God placed Obama in a position above you. Question number two, does the Bible condone grumbling and complaining? Question number three, are we to be Christ-like or self-like? Thanks.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out January 9