Progressive republicans the same as liberal democrats

Dear Editor,

  What is the purpose of electing a progressive republican versus a liberal democrat? The only republican candidates that haven't endorsed a pathway to citizenship, at one time or another, are the republican outsider candidates.

Past President Ronald Reagan signed a path for citizenship once without getting the border protection that was also promised but never became reality. So we are just going to do the same thing again?

The establishment progressive republican party says if the party doesn't embrace the Latino vote the party can't win the general election. This may be true but what the establishment isn't including in the conservation is that once the illegals are here it becomes a question of which party can buy their votes using taxpayer money by supporting these people.

Do you truly believe there are 11 million available good jobs in our job market? Or will employers just replace Americans with lower paid employees still leaving 11 million more unemployed?

    John F. Kennedy offered a famous speech where he stated "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." Today's speech from the democrat party is "Ask not what you can do for your country but what your country can do for you."

Do you think JFK could be nominated for president with his original speech by the democrat party? 

No. As a progressive republican? Maybe. His only true support would come from the conservative republican right of the political spectrum being the tea parties. Thus the proof that democrats are buying elections and how far to the left both parties have moved including the establishment progressive republicans.

This trend will only get worse because the republican platform of "a hand up" offer of education and jobs will not compete with the democrat platform of "a lifetime of hand outs" and "we will not balance the budget on the backs of the poor." Thus each party has the gas pedal to the floor heading for the fiscal cliff with a ever increasing deficit and debt with the democrats in 6th gear and the establishment republicans in 4th.

You have always heard that America will fall by the powers from within. It's true and it's happening in many ways. The only answer for this problem is contained within the four pages of our founding fathers' Constitution.

Steven King


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Progressive republicans the same as liberal democrats