Speak Out December 26

Saturday, December 19

Hi, this is Diane in Allentown. With regard to Jack on Eagle Drive in Wednesday December 16th’s paper, I don’t know what the speed limit is on Eagle Drive, on Pine Blossom, which you say the speed limit is 40 and you say the traffic on Eagle Drive is doing about 40 miles per hour. It seems to me that the problem is not so much the traffic, but with pedestrians, pet walkers, bicyclers, whatever walking in the middle of the road. If that is not a ticketable offense, it should be. People should be responsible for their own safety. Petition to get a sidewalk. If the traffic is over the limit, that is one thing, but people walking in the middle of the road is dangerous no matter what the speed limit.

Sunday, December 20

Hi, my name is Dale and I would like to know if we have to have an accident to get somebody killed before the sheriff does something about speeders on Dogwood Avenue. It’s mostly Navy people, so I can understand it is a little bit of a political hot potato for the sheriff to be messing with the Navy, but I tell you what, something needs to be done. I admit I travel on that road 50 miles per hour and it is a 45 zone. It is not fast enough to keep from getting run over. I was practically run off the road once today. Another time they passed by without regard of the speed limit. Every time I am on that road, I feel like I am taking my life into my own hands. The speed seems to be however fast you can get to that red light and then race your butt down to the Navy yard. If something does not get done, there is going to be a big wreck and of course it will be someone else’s fault and not the sheriff’s. I am voting my conscience and I am going to keep talking about this. It needs to be handled.

Monday, December 21

This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. What I am wondering is why all of the disgruntled politicians, actually on the democratic side, blamed everything on president Bush senior and the junior. Why did they skip Clinton and all of the ones before then. You know there was wars back then. Why don’t they just blame it on them. That is not easy to understand. Another thing, why are Christians discriminated against, when they can’t pray, or read the Bible in school or say ‘God Bless You’ and the Muslims are given a room to pray. Are they better than the Christians? Are they more special? This is something to think about.

Monday, December 21

This is J.P. from Pace. I have watched the courthouse issue for 20 plus years in hopes the commission would make some progress. They were headed in the right direction with the site needing to be right near the intersection of Highway 90 and Avalon Boulevard. At that point, they got off course and pressure from special interests. Most of us will not support. The site in the flood plain by railroad tracks is in a congested area with no good traffic flow. We will pay over and over when it floods, have flood issues and a possibility of a derailment, just to satisfy special interests and not the good of the entire county. Please, commissioners get back to the 90 and Avalon site and begin again. Do what you have been elected to do for everyone. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out December 26