Speak Out December 19

December 14

This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. This is about people that don’t want to pledge allegiance to the United States of America. The children probably wouldn’t do that. Some adults are behind all that. If you do not want  be patriotic and pledge allegiance to the flag that many people died, gave their lives to preserve this nation, then you need to move to another country.

December 15

This is George. Since we have all this gasoline I suggest we get rid of this ethanol or whatever it is that they’ve added to the gas at 10 percent and reduce our prices. We don’t need to be paying those big prices. Thank you very much. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

December 16

This is from a concerned citizen. I'm retired military and went in June, 1960 and retired August, 1994 and feel like I’ve paid my dues and I have the right to say these things. I’m tired of these people tearing down our standards. I’ve spent a lot of time away from home defending our country and our flag. I’m sick of people saying we can’t say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. I’m sick of the things that we can’t say God. Why don’t these people, who don’t like to say all these things, get out? Go back to wherever you came from. You don’t belong in this country. You’ve not paid your dues. Most of the people in the government today, including the president, have not spent one second in the military, probably not even the Cub Scouts. They shouldn’t be up there making decisions they know we would not make. The people in the government do not represent us, the people on the working level. They do not voice our opinions. They do not support us. We should, and must, get out and vote the right people in. Amen.

December 16

I just had to call in after seeing that Berryhill’s been repaved and looking real nice and striped and everything and seen the log trucks backed off after they tore it all up. It was a washboard out there. It would jar your teeth going down the street. But just as soon as they finished the paining up and everything, guess what we see? Fully loaded log trucks coming down Berryhill going all down the road. I just wondered, do they just not want to tear their trucks up driving down the roads they already tore up? Or were they restricted from driving on the road there? It just seemed kind of funny; the paint’s still wet and here they are tearing the road up again. When is this going to stop?

December 16

My name is Judy. I’d just like to let the person who was driving the uplifted truck with the lights on, brown lights on the top who ran over the dog on December 8 on Harvell Street to let him know the dog did pass away and he didn’t bother to stop or slow down or turn around and come back and ask if the dog was okay or give some assistance. I just hope he knows the next time to be courteous and stop and help the people that are in need. Thank you. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out December 19