Syrian refugee denial a wise decision

Dear Editor,

The BOCC is considering a resolution to deny Syrian refugees settlement in Santa RosaCounty, a decision many governors and communities have already declared. God knows my heart is full of compassion for genuine refugees. Since ISIS activity is under investigation in all 50 states, I believe denial is a wise decision. The administration never had a handle on FortHood, San Bernardino and other potential terrorist tragedies. Their knowledge of terrorist infiltration is nil, questionable indeed. The goal of ISIS, ISIL, JIHAD, Hamas et al is to annihilate infidels (non Muslims) and to establish Sharia Law reported already existent in parts of the U. S.

The only way I could endorse accepting these refugees would be if I had the assurance all Santa Rosans were saved, ready to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, Blessed Redeemer. Because evangelism must continue in Judea (Santa RosaCounty), Samaria, the uttermost and the guttermost, with a sad heart, full of compassion I’m compelled to reiterate denial of refugees is still a wise decision, not denying Syrians only, but anybody or ethnic group with similar tendencies and goals.

It’s no accident God had me share this opinion written on Pearl Harbor Day. Thank God for WorldWar II victory and those who gave their lives that we might remain a free, safe country, one nation under God.

God Bless us all as only He can. Maranatha.

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Syrian refugee denial a wise decision