FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report

December 4, 2015 thru December 10, 2015

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;

however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.



While on patrol, Officer Hellett observed a commercial oyster boat tied up to a dock behind a vacant lot. He could see three oyster bags on the dock and stopped to conduct a resource inspection. None of the oyster bags were tagged. The subject on the boat stated he was commercially harvesting and that the three bags were his. The subject was issued a citation for untagged oysters.

Officer Price responded to a vessel sinking in St. AndrewsPass.  Upon arrival, he found the vessel had sunk and the occupants had swam to shore.  All parties were found to be okay and a boating accident investigation was completed.

Officers Wicker and T. Basford were on water patrol when they checked two commercial oystermen from FranklinCounty.  Their three bags of oysters were checked and all found to be undersized.  Citations were issued and the oysters returned to the waters.

Officer Gore checked two kayakers returning to dock and asked if they had been fishing.  Both replied yes.  When asked if they had fishing licenses and had they caught any fish, they said no.  A check of a cooler found five speckled trout, four of which were undersized.  Citations were issued for the undersized violation and written warnings issued for the licenses.


In October, Officer Pifer received a complaint about an individual displaying a badge and threating to issues citations to individuals feeding feral cats in the Fort Walton Beach area. Officer Pifer was able to identify a possible suspect and conduct an investigation. During the investigation, Officer Pifer learned that the individual was a local wildlife trapper and had previous complaints against him for fielding bear calls and misrepresenting himself. With assistance from Lieutenant Hollinhead, Officer Corbin and FHP Trooper Davis, information was gathered and presented to the State Attorney’s Office and an arrest warrant was obtained for false personation. Later that same day, Officers Pifer and Corbin booked the suspect into the Okaloosa County Jail without incident.


Officer Hoomes organized a detail in response to numerous complaints from the public regarding harassment by a landowner in the Blackwater Wildlife Management Area (WMA). Plainclothes RPS officers posed as hunters in the WMA around the landowner’s property in an effort to observe his actions and determine if any violations of the hunter harassment law were occurring.  During a two-week period, the officers observed the landowner harassing hunters in the WMA.  They also observed him firing weapons numerous times into the WMA without regard for the safety of the hunters who routinely hunt in the thinned pine plantation.  The officers documented the landowner’s actions with video when possible.  The landowner fired a semi-automatic rifle numerous times into the forest in close proximity to the officers.  At one time, he fired multiple shots directly over the heads of the officers as they ducked for cover behind pine trees.  After discussing the case with the State Attorney’s Office, Officer Hoomes obtained a warrant charging the landowner with three counts of improper exhibition of a firearm and four counts of hunter harassment.



Officers McDonald and Johnston recently worked a case involving illegal hunting and theft of hunting equipment.  The officers worked together to successfully recover a stolen tree stand and game camera.  During their investigation and interviews with the three juveniles involved, the officers discovered an antlerless deer had been shot and killed on private property.  They also discovered additional hunting items had been stolen from a private hunting lease in ColumbiaCounty.  Those stolen items were returned to Wal-Mart in exchange for money.  The subject is now facing retail fraud charges from Wal-Mart Asset Protection.  The officers also seized nine bags of antlerless deer meat along with a 30-30 rifle.  Charges were direct filed for taking an antlerless deer, petit theft, conspiracy to commit theft and accessory to taking an antlerless deer.  Citations and warnings were issued for no hunting license, no deer permit and failure to complete a hunter safety course.

Approximately one week later, Officer Johnston assisted the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office with a case involving two domestic hogs that were shot from a public highway. One of the same subjects in the above case was also involved.  Through interviews and teamwork with Columbia County Sheriff’s Office, Officer Johnston and deputies were able to obtain additional information regarding the stolen hunting equipment returned to Wal-Mart, including a victim’s name which was previously unknown.  Three additional juveniles are now facing multiple criminal charges from Columbia County Sheriff’s Office for the domestic hog incident and other related firearm violations.

Officer Johnston was on foot patrol at LakeJeffrey when he noticed a vessel on the lake being operated approximately one hour after sunset without operational navigation lights. Officer Johnston waited at the boat ramp and made contact with the operator as he returned to shore.  As Officer Johnston was conducting a boating safety inspection he began to smell the odor of cannabis.  The operator of the vessel was found to have a marijuana blunt in his jacket pocket.  A notice to appear was issued for possession of less than 20 grams of cannabis.  Several warnings were issued for boating safety violations.


Officers Boone, Davenport, Mobley and Pekerol were targeting illegal hunting activity utilizing a replica antlerless deer decoy, after receiving multiple complaints from land owners concerned about hunters shooting from the road and trespass by projectile onto private property. The officers selected a safe place to position the replica deer and just after daylight observed a subject dressed in camouflage slowly riding a golf cart past their location. After several times riding back and forth scanning the property, the golf cart became stuck while attempting to negotiate a turn. After several minutes of unsuccessfully trying to free the golf cart, the hunter began walking back down the road carrying a rifle. As the hunter walked passed the replica decoy, the officers observed the hunter take aim and fire one round striking the replica. The officers made contact with the subject and questioned him concerning his actions.  All evidence was seized and appropriate charges were filed with the State Attorney’s Office.

Officer Davenport received information that multiple hunters were illegally using dogs while hunting inside the Mallory Swamp WMA still hunt area. While backtracking vehicle tire impressions down a dim road, Officer Davenport observed several hunters standing around a pickup truck. Officer Davenport separated the hunters and after a brief interview he obtained a confession from one hunter to releasing dogs into the still hunt area in an attempt to hunt hogs.

Officer Davenport was following up on information concerning illegal hunting on Suwannee River WMA property during the small game season. Officer Davenport began monitoring the area for suspicious activity and located where fresh corn had been placed on the ground. Officer Davenport observed several trees showing signs of having been climbed with a climbing tree stand. Officer Davenport returned later that afternoon and observed a hunter sitting in a climbing tree stand while hunting over the baited area.  Officer Davenport made contact with the hunter and discovered the hunter was using a centerfire rifle. After a brief interview, the hunter admitted to placing the bait and hunting for deer. Appropriate charges were filed with the State Attorney’s Office.


Officer Ransom responded to reports from a landowner who in the early morning hours discovered a dead antlerless deer on his property that displayed signs of having been shot. Officer Ransom backtracked the blood trail to a small privately owned road and discovered seven Triton .45 caliber handgun shell casings lying in the roadway. While looking over the scene, Officer Ransom identified distinct vehicle tire impressions leaving the immediate area. Officer Ransom followed the distinct tire pattern to a mobile home not far from where the deer was shot. At the camp, Officer Ransom discovered a pickup truck equipped with the same make and model of tire that was observed where the shell casings were recovered. Officer Ransom made contact with the occupants and after a brief interview obtained a full confession concerning the illegal take of antlerless deer. Officer Ransom also discovered a Norinco 1911A1 .45 caliber handgun located inside the suspects’ vehicle loaded with Triton .45 caliber ammunition. All evidence was seized and charges were filed with the State Attorney’s Office.



Officer Weis received information of a subject that killed three illegal deer in the Ocala National Forest. Officers Weis and Straub tracked down the subject while hunting and made contact with him. The subject quickly admitted to killing a doe deer and two short spikes. The three deer were seized as well as the rifle used to harvest the three illegal deer. Appropriate charges for taking illegal deer were filed with the Lake County State Attorney’s Office.

Officer Phillips received information that three subjects had possibly killed an illegal deer during the closed season in a local scout reservation. Officers Phillips and Morrow located the subjects and found them in possession of the deer. It was revealed that the deer was illegally removed from the area. The deer was seized and the subjects were cited accordingly. 


Lieutenant Frerking was on patrol in the Ocala WMA when he received a call from a hunter that he had previously checked stating that a still hunter was acting suspicious on the south end of the WMA. When he arrived, an individual dressed in full camo walked out of the woods with blood on his hands and clothing. When Lieutenant Frerking asked if he had any luck he said, "Yes, but I may get a fine." Upon further investigation the subject admitted to shooting a doe deer in Ocala WMA. Lieutenant Frerking recovered the deer and the subject was issued a notice to appear for taking a doe deer during a closed season.


Environmental Investigator Chase responded to a subdivision in February 2015, where a subcontractor for AT&T was doing utility work. An employee of the subcontractor dumped a large amount of drilling mud in a conservation area owned by the subdivision. Through interviews and her investigation, she developed probable cause for the arrest of the employee for felony litter law violations and obtained an arrest warrant for him. Due to the employee residing in HillsboroughCounty, Environmental Investigators in that area recently conducted surveillance of the suspect’s residence and were able to locate him and arrest him on the warrant. He was booked into the Hillsborough County Jail.



Officer Williams was on land patrol in the Trinity area, when he observed several vehicles parked near a bridge. As he approached, Officer Williams could see several subjects that were fishing. A resource inspection revealed the subjects had caught several black bass, a number of which were undersized. Officer Williams issued a citation for the violation and the bass were seized as evidence.


While on water patrol in BocaCiegaBay, Officer Bibeau stopped a commercial fishing vessel to conduct a boating safety and fisheries inspection. At the conclusion of the inspection, Officer Bibeau located an oversized red drum and found the operator in violation of not having a valid saltwater products license. The passenger of the vessel admitted to catching the red drum. Officer Bibeau wrote a misdemeanor citation to the passenger for possession of an oversized red drum and a misdemeanor citation to the operator of the vessel for not having a valid saltwater products license.

The Guardian crew (Lieutenant Wells and Officers Smith and Burks) were training the new Guardian crew (Lieutenant Marlow and Officer Robb) in the Clearwater area. During the training evolutions, the Offshore Patrol Vessel Guardian was dispatched to assist with a Search and Rescue/Body recovery. There was a male that was attached to a stone crab trap buoy approximately 3 miles offshore of Clearwater. The Guardian crew utilized specialized gear such as a stone crab trap puller to pull several traps in the area to identify who the traps belonged to. Additionally, the Guardian crew worked closely with the United States Coast Guard, Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office and Clearwater Police Department on the investigation.   Also, during the same day, the Guardian pulled up to a vessel to conduct a fisheries and boating safety inspection. As they were approaching, the people on the vessel dumped two buckets over the side. The officers identified that the subjects were using black seabass as bait and they had numerous boating safety violations as well as no fishing licenses. The subjects were issued the appropriate citations and numerous warnings.


Officer Balfour was on land patrol in Richloam WMA when he noticed a vehicle with a canoe drive off the main road towards a pond. While conducting surveillance, Officer Balfour observed two individuals at the edge of the pond, one individual had a rod and reel and the other individual was throwing a snatch hook. Officer Balfour overheard their conversation about how they were attempting to catch an alligator. The individuals then used the canoe to paddle around the pond while shining a spotlight. Officers Balfour and Henry conducted a resource inspection on the individuals as they were leaving the area. The individuals were questioned about their activity and they admitted to attempting to catch an alligator. Officer Balfour issued both individuals a citation for the violation.



While patrolling an Everglades WMA, Officer Forrest observed a vehicle parked on the L-6 levee.  She observed a subject walking out of the marsh.  Upon asking the subject what he was doing in the marsh he stated that he was duck hunting.  The subject was in possession of waterfowl.  The subject was cited for hunting waterfowl out of season and the waterfowl was seized as evidence.


Officers Norbrothen and Cobo responded to a call inside MacArthur Beach State Park in West Palm Beach in reference to a couple observed by park staff having sexual intercourse in their car parked in the parking lot. After confirming the information from the park staff and the couple on scene, the officer’s issued the couple a no trespass for one year on entering the state park.

While on patrol in the Loxahatchee Refuge, Officer Ryan heard several groups of people shooting during the closed season for waterfowl.  While patrolling the boat ramp area, he observed a vessel approaching.  The vessel then turned and went behind a large area of high vegetation.  He observed one of the passengers leaning over the vessel and then the vessel returned to the ramp.  During a vessel inspection, Officer Ryan observed shotguns and decoys commonly used for hunting waterfowl.  Officer Ryan instructed the subjects to go retrieve the coots the hunters dumped that were now visibly floating in the water.  The coots were collected and the subject’s information was gathered and given to US Fish and Wildlife Officer Engstler to pursue federal charges.


Officer Payne conducted a commercial vessel stop at a local boat ramp. The subject operating the vessel was found to be in possession of a gill net and mackerel. During the inspection of the gill net, it was discovered that the net was not marked at each end with the subject’s saltwater products license number as required by state statute. The vessel was also missing required vessel safety equipment. The subject was issued a citation for the violation of improper markings on the gill net and a citation for multiple vessel safety equipment violations.



Officers Johnson and White received a call regarding an injured 300 pound bear in the Golden Gate Estates area.  Upon arrival, the officers discovered an injured and disoriented black bear.  The property owner informed the officers that the bear had been laying near her property for about 2 days.  The officers followed the bear through the woods while Lieutenant Mahoney and Officer Barringer arrived to assist.  FWC Biologists also arrived and determined that the bear was severely injured, possibly from being struck by a vehicle, and would not recover from its injuries.  The bear was humanely euthanized and necropsied.

Officers Osorio-Borja and White were on beach patrol at Delnor-WigginsPassState Park when they came across two individuals fishing from the shoreline.  The officers performed a fishing license inspection on the individuals.  One of the individuals indicated that she had one, but that it was not with her.  The officers then asked for identifying information to verify the fishing license.  The individual gave false identifying information and was cited for not having a fishing license and for providing a false name to a police officer.

While on water patrol, Officer White received a distress call about a pontoon capsizing off of CapeRomano, south of MarcoIsland.  Upon arrival at the location, Officer White and units from the Collier County Sheriff’s Office, Marco Island Police Department, and Marco Island Fire Rescue recovered 3 juveniles, 2 adults, and 4 dogs from the sinking boat.  The accident is still being investigated.

Public Information Officer Parrish, Duty Officer Supervisor Roberson, Officer White, and two Miami Regional Communications Center Dispatchers attended the Preventing Wildlife Conflict Workshop in Naples.  During the event, FWC staff answered questions regarding bear and panther conflicts, the bear hunt, and other game and fish related questions.  About 100 people attended the event and there were bear hazing and deterrence presentations.

Officers Johnson and Miller were on water patrol near MarcoPass when they stopped a vessel to perform a boating safety and resource inspection.  During the inspection, Officer Johnson found three red grouper, two of which were undersized.  The vessel was in compliance for safety regulations and the operator received a citation for the two undersized red grouper.


Officer Ludtke was on patrol in the area of Haulover Jetty when he saw a male walking to a red Cadillac sedan with an undersized snook.   Officer Reynaud was in the area and ran the temporary tag displayed on the vehicle, which came back with no record found.  The driver was asked if he had any fish in his possession.  He stated "Yes, in the trunk.”  When the trunk was opened, one snook that appeared undersized was found in a clear plastic bag. The snook was measured as 26.5 inches. The correct slot limit to harvest a snook is no less than 28 inches and no more than 32 inches.  The driver admitted to harvesting the snook and was cited accordingly.

Investigator Landa while on patrol found a wave runner partially stripped of all equipment and all registration/vessel IDs on the side of the road.  While initiating the investigation, Investigator Landa found small traces of the registration lettering and put together what was believed to be registration numbers.  While checking through the FWC communication center, it was found to be a positive match to the dumped wave runner.  The wave runner had not been reported as stolen. Investigator Landa proceeded to the registered owner’s home.  The owner advised Investigator Landa that he gave the wave runner to friend over 5 years ago. Investigator Landa advised him of his findings and advised that he was responsible for the dumped wave runner.  The owner removed the wave runner immediately and had it destroyed at the correct dump site.  The owner was cited accordingly.


Officers Foell, Martino and McHenry received a report of a boating accident that occurred at a marina in Key West.  The Officers arrived on scene and found that a 14 foot vessel had struck a 37 foot fishing charter vessel that was docked at the marina.  The Officers noticed that the operator of the striking vessel appeared to be under the influence of alcohol.  There were numerous empty beer cans onboard the striking vessel. Officer Foell read the operator his Miranda Warnings.  The operator refused to conduct a breath alcohol test.  Officer Foell arrested the subject and booked him into the Monroe County Detention Facility for operating a vessel with normal faculties impaired.

Officer Hein was on land patrol in the Craig Key area when he saw several individuals at the end of a bridge fishing. Officer Hein approached the individuals and conducted a resource inspection. During the resource inspection, Officer Hein asked on four occasions what they had caught, and if they caught anything else other than what was being said. The individuals stuck to the answer of not capturing any snapper or grouper, but only grunts. Officer Hein located a hidden undersized black grouper underneath numerous grunts and ice in a cooler and two hidden undersized gray/mangrove snapper and one undersized mutton snapper wrapped in a plastic bag underneath the fishing gear hidden behind a cooler.  The individuals were placed under arrest and transported to a detention facility.

Officer Swenson responded to a boating accident at Ocean Reef Club. It involved one boat that hit a bridge in Pumpkin Creek. All of the individuals involved were under the age of 20. Three of the four people in the vessel, including the operator, were ejected when the boat hit a bridge piling. Two females were transported to hospitals in Miami. One was flown to Ryder trauma with possible head injury, open fracture of her left femur, and was later shown to have salt water in her lungs. She has since undergone two surgeries but remains in the hospital.  She was unconscious in the water immediately after the accident but was rescued by the driver of the vessel who held her face out of the water and swam her over to a second vessel that was in front of them. The other female was transported to HomesteadHospital and was treated for lacerations on her legs and released the same day. Alcohol did not appear to play a factor in the accident. The accident was caught on camera by the ocean reef public safety video system. After reviewing the video the driver of the vessel, a 15-year-old, was issued two citations, one for operating a vessel without a boaters safety card, and one for careless operation of a vessel.

Officer Hein was on land patrol in the Islamorada area when he noticed several individuals actively fishing on a bridge. Officer Hein conducted a resource inspection and requested valid recreational saltwater fishing licenses. While doing so, one individual appeared to be ignoring Officer Hein and continued fishing. Officer Hein again requested a valid license from the individual which he could not provide. Officer Hein asked the group if they had caught any fish and they said they did not. Officer Hein asked if they had caught any grunts and the individual said they did not catch anything all day. Officer Hein began looking around and had the owner of a cooler open the cooler. Inside were several open bags of bait along with other fishing supplies. The individual quickly showed Officer Hein the bait and fishing gear, closed the cooler and began walking away. Upon closer inspection of the cooler, underneath the bait and fishing gear were undersized mutton snapper and undersized black grouper. One individual was cited for possession of undersized mutton snapper. The other individual was placed into custody and transported to a detention facility. He was cited for possession of undersized black grouper as well as failure to possess a valid recreational saltwater fishing license.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report